Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Launch and opening hours

Sunshine & Grease Opening hours from Thursday 24th of July.

Thu 12-6

Fri 12-8

Sat 12-6

117 Little Lonsdale st Melbourne Victoria, 3000.

Last Thursday saw the opening of the shop. Finally.

Over the weekend, Bus hosted the Sunshine & Grease opening weekend festival. (I couldn't think of a better name, but I couldn't think of a better line-up either.)

19 acts performed over 2 days in an icy bus on a concrete floor. Sunday night must have been close to freezing. But a good crowd of good folks came out to drink beer and warm the shop with some good company and great music. I'd like to thank all who played: Cougar Flashy, eyeoff, Jason Heller, Always, Juarez and Absoluten Calfeutrail, Wasted Truth, The French, Paeces, Anthony Pateras, Lost Animal, Circle Pit, Panel of judges, Bam Brothers, Neil Sweeney, Evelyn Morris with Bum Creek, The Ancients, JKFuller, Helmet Head and Collapsed Toilet Vietnam.

And to all others who helped out: Sarah, Kristie, Liz, Annalee, Ai, Pegs, Lachlan, Chris and Simon and also to the artists that gave their work for the raffle: Rod, Harriett, James, Grant, Simon, Dylan, Chris and Fjorn. Thanks.

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